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About Woom Health

Woom Health, is an all Australian team of passionate people changing the future of gynaecological healthcare for women. It’s our mission to educate every female about the importance of their 5th Vital sign – their menstrual cycle. We want to give women and people all over the globe the knowledge to understand what’s happening in their bodies, cycles, periods and womb. You deserve to know why you feel the way you do! PERIOD. 

Glad you asked! We’d love to tell you about Woom Health's founder, Dr Amanda Waaldyk. Over 15 years ago, Amanda founded Angea Women’s Health Clinic supporting women through every phase of life with a whole-body system. After hearing thousands of period stories and the all too familiar stories of pain and suffering, Amanda questioned the lack of education around gynaecological health, in particular, around the female only 5th vital sign – menstruation. So, with Woom Health, she is kickstarting a gynaecological health revolution, to educate and put the power back into people’s wombs where it belongs, and through Woom Health's products, to harness the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine in a modern way for the modern cyclical human. Woom Health is a labour of love for Amanda, but also, a crusade she is fiercely passionate about.

About your cycle

When you pay attention to your 5th vital sign, you begin to see how everything from nutrition, exercise, and your sleep cycle through to the environmental exposure you encounter on a daily basis, can influence your hormones and ultimately be reflected in your period. Your period is a monthly report card of your health! Luckily, you can download our free Monthly Report Card to help you keep track of your period super easily.

Every cycle is unique. Even so, a ‘normal’ cycle will range between 26-35 days and menstruation can last from 1-7 days, with most menstruators bleeding an average of 3-5 days. Colour should be a fresh red and flow should be without blood clots or odour. If you’re having a regular bleed each month and your period is a couple of days longer or shorter, this is your ‘normal’. BUT, very light periods, heavy periods, clots or painful periods can be a sign of an underlying health, gynaecological or reproductive issue.

Understanding how your body works will help show you the way to restoring hormonal balance. Focusing on improving your health choices such as nutrition, regular exercise and reducing stress is a great place to start.

Your menstrual health

Many menstruators experience negative physical and emotional changes during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle because of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). PMS is your body’s way of communicating that your hormones are unbalanced. PMS is a collection of symptoms that include mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches, appetite changes, insomnia, breast tenderness, painful menstrual cramps, fluid retention, bloating, weight gain, IBS and more. Hang on… help is on its way!

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects 1 in 10 women, with some studies suggesting 1 in 5 women. PCOS is often associated with hormone irregularities such as higher levels of androgen or male hormones. The high levels of androgens prevent the ovaries from producing enough progesterone, resulting in undeveloped follicles. As a result, ovulation cannot occur, and the immature follicles turn into small cysts on the ovaries. We’re here to support you through this one.

Endometriosis is characterised by the presence of tissue similar to the lining of the uterus (endometrial-like) growing outside the uterus. Endometriosis lesions are different in structure and behaviour from the normal endometrium which is shed during a period. Lesions, nodules, or implants can be found in a person’s ovaries, bladder, fallopian tubes, pouch of Douglas (small area between uterus and rectum), uterosacral ligaments, intestines, and in rare cases, the lungs or liver. The primary symptoms are pain and fertility issues. The pain can be chronic or can bring excruciating pain and emotional distress during menstruation or sexual intercourse. You are not alone on this journey. ANP can help.

Adenomyosis is a gynaecological condition that affects up to 1 in 10 women. The most common theory is that adenomyosis is the migration of ectopic endometriotic tissue into the myometrium (the smooth muscle layer of the uterus). The presence of endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium changes the architecture of the uterus, increasing the thickness of the uterus wall leading to an enlarged bulky womb. Adenomyosis requires lifelong management, as it can have negative impacts on the quality of an individual’s life in terms of their menstrual cycle and fertility. Start managing your symptoms today.

Menopause is a natural event every woman experiences, however, the symptoms aren’t always what we expect. It typically occurs when a woman is in her 40s or 50s and is marked by the absence of a period for 12 continuous months without an illness or pregnancy. Up to 85% of women experience symptoms which result from a decline of the reproductive hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Symptoms can start during perimenopause, sometimes years before menopause begins. During this stage, monthly periods will become irregular and may become longer, shorter, lighter or heavier. Eventually, hormone levels will drop so low that the lining of the uterus will no longer thicken and shed, resulting in menopause. Symptoms vary in each woman, but they can be intense and disrupt daily life and without treatment, and last up to 5-7 years. Let us help you navigate those hormones as they head into freefall. We’ve got this.

Orders, billing and payment

There are two ways you can purchase your Woom Health products; either as a one-off purchase or by subscription. You may prefer to stock up initially with one or several months’ supply, and then return to restock. Alternatively, with a subscription, we’ll deliver your WH products at the same time every month, so you never run out and you simply set and forget (until your package arrives – yay!).

Whether you subscribe or purchase WH products once, your period will thank you. But for optimal menstrual health, it’s best to take the capsules continuously every day. A subscription makes it easy to achieve this. When you subscribe, your WH product is delivered at the same time every month, so you never run out. It’s a subscription plan that works with your cycle. You know your body and the schedule of your flow best. It’s very simple to edit your subscription at any time. A subscription is convenient too. 

We’ll send you an email when your order has been placed and again, when your order has been shipped.

Reach out to us via email at if you have any questions about where your order is at. We will send you regular updates once ordered via email. 

You can cancel your subscription anytime by logging into your account. Reach out to us via email at to cancel your subscription.

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